
RQ1: What are students’ attitudes (Feeling/Affective) toward learning statistics via on-line homework through mastery of learning method using Random number generation (in comparison to tradition homework)? (Eg., Level of Comfort, Convenience, Enjoyment, Flexibility, Motivation, and Time Management)

  • Positive Attitude

1. Enjoyment
"A state of mind or feeling characterized by contentment, pleasure, happiness, or joy stemming from Perceived competence"
2. perceived-ease-of-use
"The degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would be free from effort" (Davis, 1989) stemming from convenience (time-place), format, function, language.

  • Negative Attitude

1. Confused
"The effective stage of emotion that involve lack of basic knowledge, lacking clear distinction of elements."
2. Frustrated and Bored
"Felling or expressing distress and annoyance, esp. because of inability to change or achieve something."

RQ2: What are students’ attitudes (Cognitive) toward learning statistics via on-line homework through mastery of learning method using Random number generation (in comparison to tradition homework)? (Eg. Content and Procedure)

  • Content/ Procedure

1. Content
- Content is course substance detail explanation"
- body of knowledge substance material that are related to statistics such as text, VDO, case contents.
2. Procedure
- procedure: A series of actions conducted in a certain manner or order
- process: A series of actions or step taken in order to achieve to particular end such as immediate feedback, mastery of learning, random number generation, i + 1th.

  • Like/ Dislike

1. Like: "To be pleased with in a moderate degree; to approve; to take satisfaction in; to enjoy."
2. Dislike: "To think someone or something is unpleasant and not like them"

RQ3: To what extent do students feel that the on-line homework using the different adult learning concepts help them learn and increase learning self-efficacy (belief that one has the capabilities to do the task) (in comparison to tradition homework)? (e.g., Case-base method, Immediate Feedback, Mastery of Learning and Pyramid of Learning)

  • Case based
  • Mastery of learning
  • Immediate Feedback
  • Self learning

1. Remembering
"To be able to bring back a piece of information into your mind, or to keep a piece of information in your memory" (Cambridge Dictionary)
2. Understanding
"Knowledge about a subject, situation, etc. or about how something works"(Cambridge Dictionary)
3. Self-efficacy
We use self-Efficacy instead of "Apply" according to Bloom Taxonomy because we can not prove that they really can apply. Self-efficacy has been described as the belief that one is capable of performing in a certain manner to attain certain goals. Ormrod, J. E. (2006). Educational Psychology: Developing Learners (5th ed.), such as
- believe that he or she can use software efficiently.
- believe that he/she can do well on the examination.
- believe that he or she apply statistics in the real world.

RQ4: What are challenges students encountered while doing their on-line homework.

  • Lack of basic statistic knowledge

"The student have a poor statistical base. So, they do not solve the statistical problem"

  • Language Barrier

"Students feel difficult to understand because LVW use in English but they realize statistics have many technical term and ponderous meaning in Thai. However they suggest that, LVW should use in Thai but bracket English technical terms."

  • Fear

"The state of being afraid, cowardly, unsure, frustrated and puzzling because doubtfulness, making nothing of content."

  • Lack of detail explanation

"The answers aren't explain, expound to solve a problem.

RQ5: What are recommendations and insights students have to make the on-line homework more enjoyable and help them learn the most.

  • Add class assignment


  • Provide statistic knowledge

"Course module should include sufficient statistical class"

  • Adjust case content


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